
Lennart Navarrete

Active Göteborg, Sverige
Lennart Navarrete When Dreams Come True, 2017  Affisch, tapet Courtesy: Konstnären, tack till Ahmed Ali och Aifos

The photograph When Dreams Come True was taken by Lennart Navarrete at the Hammarkullen Urban Art 2017 street festival. The photographer grew up in this 1960s housing estate in Gothenburg. Behind the proud, monumental knight on horseback, the brutalist concrete houses on Bredfjällgatan loom like testimonials of another, lost era in Swedish history. The rider on a gelder called Aifos is Ahmed Ali, who also grew up in the area.  

Göteborgs Konsthall presents Navarrete’s photography both as a large wallpaper at the entrance and as a poster that is available and free of charge to visitors.