about the artist
Phoebe Boswell’s art is based on themes such as rootlessness and identity, and in her works she combines traditional methods with digital technology.
Phoebe Boswell, who was born in Nairobi, Kenya, grew up in the Middle East and now lives in London, has developed her art from a sense of rootlessness. In her art, she returns to the question of what constitutes a home, an identity and an affiliation, based on her personal experience of never belonging, and always being on the road somewhere.
Boswells verk bär ofta på självbiografiska spår. Likväl är de kraftfulla kommentarer till några av vår tids mest angelägna frågor. Vilka röster ges utrymme idag och vilka förblir tystade? Hon låter sin egen livsberättelse utgöra grunden för frågor om den svarta kvinnans röst, kropp och motståndshandlingar, liksom frågor om migration, segregation och representationen av den svarta kroppen i dagens samhälle. I sina verk kombinerar Boswell traditionella teckningar med digital teknik i kraftfulla bilder, animationer och interaktiva, storskaliga installationer.
Boswell’s works often carry autobiographical tracks. Nevertheless, they are powerful comments on some of the most pressing issues of our time. Which voices are given space today and which remain silent? She allows her own life story to form the basis for questions about the black woman’s voice, body and acts of resistance, as well as questions about migration, segregation and the representation of the black body in today’s society. In his work, Boswell combines traditional drawings with digital technology in powerful images, animations and interactive, large-scale installations.
The work Tramlines has been on display since 2022 at the Gothenburg City Museum in the exhibition The thing about Gothenburg.

Phoebe Boswell. Photo: Hendrik Zeitler.