We will quickly forget the things we think are permanent now.
Urban developments, today imagined only in artists’ impressions and CGI fly-throughs, will collapse into ruins. Political structures, whose inescapable control we are so sure of, will be swept away: we will discover that we could have been free all along, if we’d ever wanted it. Identities that we have fashioned for ourselves, brick by brick, hour by hour, will be met by crisis, and we will discover that we no longer belong in this team or this skin.
What we will forget is that we ever lived this way, that our world was like this, and we were this way within it. We will forget these habits, these things which seem to us now so unchangeable; we will replace them with others, equally ephemeral, but apparently just as permanent.
We can already imagine it differently, though. We can imagine how we might live; we can imagine how we might be; we can imagine how we might imagine ourselves. And by imagining, we can transform everything, if we want to.
Remember the things you see in this exhibition; these moments of imagining.
Curator: Daniel Jewesbury.
Participating students: Marcus Appelberg, Amy Boulton, Alexander Carlsson, Simon Fagéus, Mathilda Franzén, Klængur Gunnarsson, Julio Guzman, Maria Victoria Høvring Høeg, Josef Mellergård, Laurence Price, Eirik Rønneberg, Stig Steijner, Maria Safronova Wahlström, Siri Frances Wibell.

Installation view. Photo: Hendrik Zeitler.

Laurence Price, Klubblokal Hybrid Evocation, 2019. Photo: Hendrik Zeitler.